A Publication of the Texas Medical Association
Texas Medicine is available to TMA members and presents timely information on public health, medicolegal issues, medical economics, science, medical education, and legislative affairs affecting Texas physicians and their patients.

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The Leadership Issue
Let Doctors Be Doctors: Jay Shah, MD, Readies For a Holistic Approach to Serving as TMA President
Fire in His Belly: Outgoing TMA President G. Ray Callas, MD, Traverses Texas to Advocate for Medicine
Bringing Joi to the Family of Medicine: TMAA President-Elect Joi Smith Calls Medicine’s Volunteer Force to Action
Touting Texas: David N. Henkes, MD, Championed the State’s Physicians in His 25 Years on the Delegation to the AMA
What's new for TMA events
Other News
‘Tremendously Lifesaving’: The Physicians Benevolent Fund Helped Robert Boyd, MD, Fight Depression
Delivering Collaboration: Can birthing centers help ease Texas’ maternal deserts?
Advancing Primary Care: Medicare Rolls Out New Payment Codes for Treating Chronic Conditions
Back Issues
Information on Letters to the Editor
Advertising Rates and Specifications in Texas Medicine
E-mail comments to Amy Sorrel.
Index to Texas Medicine
Medical terminology is based on usage of MeSH, the National Library of Medicine's Medical Subject Headings, which are used in Index Medicus. If a term does not appear in MeSH, then the author's usage or common usage is preferred.
Each index consists of three parts: the subject index, the author index, and the index of deaths.
Texas Medicine, Volume 116, 2020
Subject, Author, Deaths
Texas Medicine, Volume 115, 2019
Subject, Author, Deaths
Texas Medicine, Volume 114, 2018
Subject, Author, Deaths
Texas Medicine, Volume 113, 2017
Subject, Author, Deaths
Subscription Information
Texas Medical Association members – $20 per year
Nonmembers and institutions – $40 per year
Foreign – $48 US currency
Single copy – $4 plus $0.33 sales tax
To subscribe or check on the status of your subscription, please contact the TMA Knowledge Center via email or by phone at (800) 880-7955.