Touting Texas: David N. Henkes, MD, Championed the State’s Physicians in His 25 Years on the Delegation to the AMA - 03/10/2025

David N. Henkes, MD, recalls his first American Medical Association meeting in San Francisco as a new member of the Texas Delegation to the AMA. The November 2001 conference was, in a word, “overwhelming.”

Texas Influences a Dozen AMA Policies - 03/06/2025

Texas made its presence known in Chicago when the Texas Delegation to the American Medical Association arrived to advocate for stronger action to fix physicians’ Medicare payments once and for all, health plan accountability, and vigilance on scope creep in emergency departments.

Texas Influences Policy at AMA House of Delegates - 12/05/2024

Physician representatives of the Texas Medical Association last week took their expertise to an American Medical Association House of Delegates meeting punctuated this year by passionate discussions on scope of practice, health plan practices, COVID-19, telemedicine, diversity in medicine, and more.

AMA Board Chair Calls on Texas to Help Secure Medicare Fix, Restore Physician Autonomy - 12/04/2024

Attendees of Texas Medical Association’s second Business of Medicine Conference heard a host of economic hurdles to physicians, but underscoring them all is the decades-long trend of decreasing Medicare physician payment, according to the American Medical Association’s Board of Trustees Chair Michael Suk, MD.

AMA President-Elect Acclaims TMA Advocacy for Scope, Prior Auth Wins - 12/04/2024

Texas physicians’ advocacy accomplishments both in the state and alongside the American Medical Association earned praise from AMA’s president-elect at the Texas Medical Association’s Leadership Summit on Jan. 27.

Reform Can’t Wait: Medicine Prescribes Urgently-Needed Improvements to Flawed Medicare Payment System - 11/13/2024

When the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) in July proposed a fifth consecutive round of cuts to physicians’ Medicare payments – contributing to a nearly 30% lag behind inflation growth since 2001 – medicine immediately mobilized.

John Zerwas, MD, Honored for Service as Texas Lawmaker - 09/19/2024

The American Medical Association on Tuesday awarded former Texas State Rep. John Zerwas, MD, its Dr. Nathan Award for Outstanding Government Service.

Texas' Voice: Delegation Shapes AMA Policy, But Could Have Greater Impact - 07/10/2024

Through its delegation, TMA shapes AMA policy – but its impact could be greater   

TMA Members Win Key AMA Seats - 06/21/2024

In addition to influencing a dozen American Medical Association policies at its annual meeting in June, Texas Medical Association members also won key seats in AMA leadership positions.

TMA Moment in Time: AMA Presidents - 04/09/2024

Texas' git-er-done approach has launched TMA physicians to the AMA presidency.

Texas Delegation Helps Stop Single-Payer Push at AMA Interim Meeting - 11/30/2023

Texas medicine made its voice heard on a wide variety of national issues at the meeting in Washington D.C., achieving success in four priority areas: supporting Medicare payment reform, opposing a single-payer system, securing tighter restrictions on nonphysician practitioners, and preventing the use of virtual credit cards.

AMA Launches National Study of Physician Practice Expenses - 10/11/2023

With the backing of the Texas Medical Association and 172 other health care organizations, the American Medical Association recently launched a survey of U.S. physicians to better understand practice expenses and to support its advocacy for physician payment reform.

Texas Leads National Charge for Medicare Physician Payment Reform - 06/14/2023

The Texas Delegation to the American Medical Association led the charge for more concrete action to achieve comprehensive Medicare physician payment reform , resulting in new AMA policy calling for less “talk” and more “action” to ensure access to care for patients.

Strength in Numbers: Texas Physicians Shape Health Care Policy at AMA - 05/25/2023

The Texas Medical Association wields its influence in two ways: through the Texas Delegation to the American Medical Association and through membership on the AMA’s various councils and committees.

Physicians’ Economic Impact Felt in Rural Texas and Nationwide - 05/02/2023

In Texas, physicians create more than 670,000 jobs and generate almost $118 billion in state economic activity, according to a new report.

Mending Medicare: Federal Spending Law Reduces Physician Pay Cut Amid Reform Push - 04/12/2023

A massive federal spending law took effect in late 2022, delivering a smaller-than-scheduled Medicare physician pay cut in 2023, but the Texas Medical Association and others in organized medicine continue to push for comprehensive reform.

AMA President Commends TMA’s Advocacy on Medicare Pay, Prior Auth, Physician Wellness - 01/30/2023

In a rare and distinguished opportunity, the president of the American Medical Association paid a visit to the Texas Medical Association at its Winter Conference on Jan. 28, praising Texas physicians for their advocacy accomplishments in several key areas that align with AMA’s Recovery Plan for Physicians.

Amplified by AMA: Participation in AMA Can Improve Texas Medicine - 01/11/2023

The Texas Medical Association's impact on the national stage hinges in part on the activism of roughly three dozen TMA members who serve as representatives to the American Medical Association House of Delegates, the principal policymaking body of AMA.

TMA at AMA: Texas Shapes National Policy on Medicare Reform, Opioids, Price Transparency - 12/13/2022

When Texas physicians joined their colleagues from around the country in Honolulu for the Interim Meeting of the American Medical Association House of Delegates, it wasn’t all sunshine, golf courses, and sandy beaches.

AMA Deadlines: Go for $10,000 Research Challenge Prize - 07/05/2022

Several American Medical Association deadlines are coming up fast this month – with a $10,000 prize on the line as well as research funding pertaining to female physicians.

TMA at AMA: Reflections - 06/22/2022

Little Elm internist John Flores, MD, TMA vice speaker and Texas delegate to the American Medical Association, takes a look back at the progress made at this year's Annual Meeting of the AMA House of Delegates. See Dr. Flores' reflections.

TMA Insurance Trust Names New Executive Director - 05/27/2022

The American Medical Association (AMA) honored Houston scientist and physician Peter J. Hotez, MD, with the Scientific Achievement Award for his work on promoting vaccines and combating vaccine misinformation.

Texas Physician Leaders Win Top AMA Honors for Pandemic Achievements - 04/05/2022

Advancing COVID-19 vaccines and countering vaccine misinformation. Going to great lengths to secure personal protective equipment. Bolstering physician morale and professionalism in turbulent times.

TMA Names New General Counsel - 03/25/2022

The Texas Medical Association (TMA) has named Kelly M. Walla, JD, LLM, as its next general counsel beginning July 1.

Houston Doctor Presented with Award for Leadership in Medical Ethics and Professionalism - 01/31/2022

The American Medical Association Foundation (AMAF) honored Ellen M. Friedman, MD, FACS, FAAP, with the 2021 AMA Foundation Award for Leadership in Medical Ethics and Professionalism. This award recognizes physicians who are dedicated to the principles of medical ethics and highest standards of medical practice, and who have made an outstanding contribution through active service in medical ethics activities.