
Going Viral: Dr. Glaucomflecken’s Medical Comedy Spreads Physician Advocacy - 02/27/2025

Dr. Glaucomflecken’s medical comedy videos spread physician expertise and advocacy.

I Never Knew TMA: Offered Wellness Resources to Fight Burnout - 12/18/2024

The Texas Medical Association offers a menu of resources to help physicians actively put their wellness first.

AMA Identifies Top Specialties That Spend Most Time in EHR - 09/24/2024

In a new study funded by the American Medical Association identifying top specialties stuck in electronic health records, authors found regardless of specialty, physicians frequently spend more than half their clinical time doing documenting, reviewing, ordering, and managing their inbox.

Virtual Scribes Enhanced Relationships Between Patients and Physicians - 02/13/2024

At a time when physicians face burnout often due to administrative stress, two new studies from Boston’s Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Massachusetts General Hospital found virtual scribes cut physician burden by 16% and enhanced relationships between patients and 60% of physicians.

“It’s Real. It Happens.” Panel Discusses How Shifting Values Can Shift Physicians Away From Burnout - 01/31/2024

By tuning in to personal convictions and values, physicians can improve relationships with their medical team, patients, and themselves. Given the increasing pressures on physicians, that shift is necessary and possible, medical leadership experts shared at TMA’s Leadership Summit. Read more.

Frontline Defender: Umar Latif, MD, Tackles Physicians' Moral Injury Plight - 08/05/2023

Frisco psychiatrist Umar Latif, MD, applies his expertise in suicide prevention and treatment among military personnel and veterans to another crisis on the home front: moral injury among physicians.

A Light in Dark Times: TMA Adds Counseling Service to Resources - 04/03/2023

With new causes for burnout arising at every turn, TMA adds a new counseling service to its physician wellness resources to fill a rural gap.

Wellness First: TMA Recommits to Physicians' Well-being - 11/01/2022

The Texas Medical Association recently debuted its reimagined physician well-being support program, Wellness First, which works in tandem with organized medicine's advocacy at the state and federal levels to mitigate the underlying causes of burnout.

Surgeon General Sounds Alarm on Physician Burnout, Recommends Corrective Steps - 05/27/2022

The U.S. surgeon general is calling attention to health care worker burnout and issuing recommendations to improve well-being for physicians and others.

Your Patients’ Health Depends on Your Overall Well-Being - 05/16/2022

Taking care of your patients is obviously your first priority. But while you’re working to improve the lives of people in your community, don’t forget to take care of yourself, too. After all, you can’t treat patients effectively if you’re not treating yourself well.

Learn About the Harm of the “Resilience” Narrative - 04/05/2022

Michelle Owens, DO, says the term “resilience” “has been thrown around flippantly in relation to the physician community” during the COVID-19 pandemic. She believes the use of the term – and what it implies – is damaging to her profession.

TMA to Feds: Improve Care Environment to Reduce Burnout - 04/05/2022

Federal authorities are looking for input on how to prevent stress and burnout among health care workers. The Texas Medical Association is answering the call – supporting a robust attack on the root causes of that stress while letting health authorities know Texas physicians “are exhausted and are suffering from moral injury.”

No Escape: COVID-19 Continues to Exacerbate Physician Burnout - 09/17/2021

The malaise in physician practice long known as burnout – a term doctors increasingly balk at – has been exacerbated by the pandemic, as an extensive survey by the Physicians Foundation recently showed. It’s created its own stressors and made existing ones worse.

Medical Burnout: Breaking Bad - 06/23/2021

A recent Washington Post/Kaiser Family Foundation survey of 1,327 front-line health care workers in the U.S. during the COVID-19 pandemic revealed that medical burnout has reached epidemic proportions.

Delegates Tackle Vaccines, Burnout, Health Plan Practices During Virtual Annual Meeting - 05/24/2021

At the second live virtual convention of the Texas Medical Association House of Delegates, physicians carried out their policymaking duties to improve the health of all Texans despite being scattered across the state. Delegates made headway on policies to address vaccine rollouts and nonmedical exemptions; emergency preparedness; postpartum depression screenings; prevention of suicide and physician burnout; health care reform; Medicaid payments; and red tape reductions and transparency in health plan practices, among others.

Working Toward Wellness: TMA’s Physician Health and Wellness Exchange Tackles Burnout - 08/02/2019

TMA’s Physician Health and Wellness Exchange helps physicians find ways to fight burnout.

Moral Injury: The Pandemic for Physicians - 03/01/2019

We need a safety net for physicians, private psychological support reportable to no one. Otherwise we will continue to see physician burnout and suicide increase. 

Most Texas Physicians Pessimistic About State of Medicine, Survey Finds - 09/27/2018

A majority of Texas physicians feel negatively about the current and future state of the medical profession, and many would not recommend medicine as a career to their children. Those are among the findings of a recent survey of about 9,000 American physicians commissioned by the Physicians Foundation.

How to Recognize and Respond to Burnout in a Fellow Physician - 09/07/2018

Physician burnout is distressingly common, yet when you see a colleague struggling you might not be sure what to say or do. Knowing what to look for and how to respond can make a huge difference to a struggling colleague.