Policies and procedures

Practice Financials - 03/18/2025

Get the information you need to keep your practice financials in order.

Practice Operations Toolkit - 11/05/2024

The process of evaluating the operational efficiency of a medical practice can be simultaneously complex, time-consuming, and eye-opening. This toolkit may be of assistance to you in assessing your medical practice operations.

Business Plan Toolkit - 11/05/2024

The Texas Medical Association developed this toolkit to assist Texas physicians in creating a business plan. Business plan documents require information specific to your practice model and vision, such as market, staffing, equipment, service lines, and space.

Policies, Procedures and Forms for Telemedicine Services - 09/17/2024

Use these policies, procedures and forms for telemedicine services in your practice.

Commentary: Online Testimony Remains a Success at TexMed - 05/26/2023

The COVID-19 pandemic shifted the majority of House of Delegates business to a virtual format, and TMA has since made permanent the process of taking initial testimony online. That process proved to be quite effective.

Strength in Numbers: Texas Physicians Shape Health Care Policy at AMA - 05/25/2023

The Texas Medical Association wields its influence in two ways: through the Texas Delegation to the American Medical Association and through membership on the AMA’s various councils and committees.

Virtual Election Voting Trial Approved by House of Delegates - 05/25/2023

Among several organizational decisions, the Texas Medical Association House of Delegates voted to pilot virtual voting in HOD elections at its annual policymaking meeting last week.

Resolved: To Get Involved in Organized Medicine - 04/28/2023

Every physician can look around and see some policy change or improvement that could make life better for patients and colleagues. The Texas Medical Association’s House of Delegates, the organization’s highest policymaking body, is often the best place to set that reform in motion.

Grassroots Governance: Councils, Committees Fuel TMA’s Physician-Driven Engine - 03/09/2023

With a finger on the pulse of health care, TMA’s nine councils and 12 standing committees work through grassroots advocacy and collaboration to initiate policies and programs that support Texas patients and physicians and provide solutions to the challenges they encounter.

Making a SAFER EHR: This MIPS measure can help - 10/21/2022

Physicians have not always been big fans of the Merit-Based Incentive Payment System (MIPS), but one aspect of MIPS can help physicians protect electronic health records (EHRs) from errors, hacking, and similar problems.

CDC Updates COVID-19 Guidance for Health Care Professionals - 04/05/2022

Citing a potential surge in COVID-19 cases due to the omicron variant, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recently released emergency isolation and quarantine guidelines for health care professionals to assist with staffing shortages.

COVID-19: Practice Operations - 09/29/2021

View COVID-19 resources related to practice operations.

Tips to Reduce No-Show Rates - 12/13/2019

No-show appointments not only have a direct impact on revenue but also can disrupt your day. Consider these suggestions as a way to decrease your rate of no-shows.

Online Training Helps You Treat Pediatric Concussions - 11/28/2018

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and American Academy of Pediatrics have developed free online training to give you practical strategies to care for young patients with mTBI (commonly referred to as concussion).

Recommendations on Stem Cell Therapies Adopted - 09/17/2018

A national workgroup on regenerative and stem cell therapy practices published a report earlier this year to provide basic guidance for state medical boards, and licensed physicians and physician assistants. The recommendations address the regulation of stem cell and regenerative therapies, how physicians should communicate and promote them to patients, and how doctors should document treatments provided.

CDC Releases New Guideline for Treating Pediatric Concussion - 09/06/2018

Just in time for high school football season, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has issued a new guideline for Pediatric Mild Traumatic Brain Injury (or mTBI).