Graduate Medical Education

Residency Revival: Grassroots Advocacy Averts Residency Program Closure - 03/12/2024

Grassroots physician advocacy averts emergency medicine residency program closure.

Stable or Critical? Emergency Medicine Has Become Less Popular on Match Day. Why? - 07/10/2023

After four decades of steady demand on Match Days, emergency medicine has turned in lower-than-expected performances in the last two years. What has caused this change and what does it mean?

Help Wanted: Texas’ physician growth strong, but recruitment, diversity still needed - 06/21/2023

Texas' physician workforce has enjoyed strong growth, but there still aren't enough doctors to go around and more diversity is needed.

Need Help With Residency Relocation Expenses? TMA Can Help - 04/05/2023

If you found out your residency destination during the recent Match Day but now find yourself scrambling to gather the funds to get there, the Texas Medical Association is here to help you finance the next leg

U.S. Main Residency Match Posts Another Year of Record-High Positions - 03/27/2023

If the 2023 Main Residency Match was a patient, you’d have to say that the vital signs were strong.

Lege Poised to Boost GME Funding; TMA Urges Rural Workforce Investment - 03/22/2023

With a record-high budget at its disposal, the Texas Legislature seems poised to increase funding for graduate medical education in the 2024-25 biennium, fulfilling one of the Texas Medical Association’s legislative priorities. But physicians say more must be done to address the state’s physician workforce shortage, especially in primary care and in rural and underserved areas.

Ready for Business: MBA programs broaden physicians' skills - 10/03/2022

A growing number of Texas physicians obtain MBA degrees to sharpen their business acumen, understand finance, and prepare for leadership roles.

TMA Scholarships Help Ensure a More Diversified Physician Workforce - 08/22/2022

Shaige Werth, one of 15 first-year medical students who received a $10,000 scholarship from the Texas Medical Association to pursue their dream becoming a physician, said the TMA Minority Scholarship program is a major step toward a more diverse physician workforce.

New Med School Creates Residency Positions With Local Hospital - 11/09/2021

More than 110 new residency positions are on their way in the Fort Worth area by 2024, thanks to an expanded partnership between the TCU and UNTHSC School of Medicine and the hospital chain Texas Health Resources.

Funding the Future: Texas Legislature Fully Commits to GME - 10/02/2021

The Texas Legislature’s investment in medical education includes a full commitment to GME.

Unfreezing GME: A Boost to Federal Funding for Residencies - 10/02/2021

U.S. lawmakers may be ready to boost federal funding for residencies.

Training Up: COVID-19 Changed the Way Students, Residents Learn Medicine - 10/01/2021

COVID-19 dramatically changed the way Texas’ students and residents learn medicine.

GME Momentum: Preserving Texas' Steady Progress in Building Residency Positions - 08/27/2021

TMA fights state budget cuts to preserve Texas’ steady progress in building residency positions.

Continue GME Expansion to Meet State’s Physician Workforce Needs, TMA Tells CMS - 07/02/2021

After more than two and a half decades, Congress has – by a modest amount – expanded the number of graduate medical education (GME) positions funded by Medicare. A recent Texas Medical Association letter to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) called on the agency to implement the change while keeping Texas and future GME expansion in mind.

Wins on GME, Mental Health Funding Highlight Medicine’s Budget Year - 06/10/2021

When it comes to health care, as with so many aspects of life, money talks. And the Texas Legislature this year showed medicine’s advocates that it’s allocating the state’s money with Texas’ health needs in mind.

Another Great Match: Most Texas Medical Graduates Matched With Residency Positions - 04/01/2021

Texas medical students have enjoyed some highly successful Match Weeks in recent years, but 2020 was the best since the Texas Medical Association Council of Medical School Deans began tracking match data in 2014.

USMLE Step 2 Clinical Skills Exam Eliminated - 02/02/2021

In a move long called for by the Texas Medical Association, the two organizations that run the United States Medical Licensing Examination (USMLE) announced last week that they have ended the USMLE Step 2 Clinical Skills (CS) portion of the USMLE examination.

Support State Graduate Medical Education Funding - 02/01/2021

Having an adequate number of graduate medical education (GME) positions is fundamental in preparing physicians needed for Texas. The state’s medical schools are doing their part to educate more physicians. If there are not enough GME positions to train graduates in a medical specialty, those physicians can be expected to leave the state for training elsewhere, and many who leave will not return to practice in the state.

Growing Residents: Texas Med Schools Find Ways to Create More GME Slots - 10/21/2020

Texas’ plan to grow and keep more physicians in state is coming to fruition, but it will require constant nurturing to reach harvest. The latest crop will come out of a collaboration between one of the state’s newest medical schools, in Fort Worth, and Baylor Scott and White All Saints Medical Center. The program will create as many as 150 new residency positions in the Dallas-Fort Worth area through 2027. Collaborations between medical schools and health care institutions will add to those numbers in coming years.

Texas Among Best in Keeping Medical Students, Residents Practicing In-State, Report Shows - 06/17/2020

Texas continues to rank among the most successful states in retaining physicians from its medical schools and residency programs, beating out 47 other states, data from 2019 show.

Help Texas Train Rural Physicians - 04/11/2019

Texas is extremely fortunate to have a relatively large number of regional medical centers. They provide an excellent training ground for high-level medical care. Rural medical practice is different. Often you are the only physician. You are not able to refer a patient with complex health issues to a specialist across town because the nearest specialist may be 150 miles away.

Make Sure GME Capacity Mirrors Enrollment Growth - 03/26/2019

SB 1378 fixes an unintended weakness in an otherwise very good law. Last session, SB 1066 was passed to require new public medical schools to plan for the graduate medical education (GME) needs of their future graduates. This legislation provides an important link between medical school enrollments and GME capacity.

Fully Fund GME So Texas-Educated Doctors Can Practice Here - 02/20/2019

I would like to start by thanking Chairwoman Jane Nelson and each of you for your leadership and your support of medical education and graduate medical education (GME)  in recent years and in Senate Bill 1. This is so important for our state.

House Not Ready for Plan for Unmatched Graduates - 05/23/2018

A proposal to allow medical school graduates who have not been matched to a residency to practice medicine received lots of debate but little traction at the Texas Medical Association House of Delegates last weekend.