
Touting Texas: David N. Henkes, MD, Championed the State’s Physicians in His 25 Years on the Delegation to the AMA - 03/10/2025

David N. Henkes, MD, recalls his first American Medical Association meeting in San Francisco as a new member of the Texas Delegation to the AMA. The November 2001 conference was, in a word, “overwhelming.”

Straight Shooter: Incoming TMA President Ray Callas, MD, Aims for Practice Protections, Membership Gains - 02/27/2025

Incoming Texas Medical Association President Ray Callas, MD, an anesthesiologist from Beaumont, cites as his top priorities preventing scope-of-practice creep, defending physician autonomy, and bolstering the TMA's membership.

Fire in His Belly: Outgoing TMA President G. Ray Callas, MD, Traverses Texas to Advocate for Medicine - 02/27/2025

When G. Ray Callas, MD, was first elected president of the Texas Medical Association, he was moved by the trust his fellow physicians put in him to speak on their behalf and advocate for them.

Let Doctors Be Doctors: Jay Shah, MD, Readies For a Holistic Approach to Serving as TMA President - 02/27/2025

For Jayesh B. “Jay” Shah, MD, the incoming president of the Texas Medical Association, his journey to become a physician started in his hometown of Vadodara (formerly Baroda), then a city of more than a million people in western India.

Texas Physicians Secure Top Spots in National Leadership Training Program - 02/07/2025

Just 25 seats were available for the inaugural hybrid training program hosted by the Physicians Foundation and Brandeis University. Starting in September, the program will teach physicians how to shape health care policy through leadership and advocacy.

I Never Knew TMA: Had AI Experts on its HIT Committee - 02/07/2025

TMA’s HIT Committee stands among nine councils and 18 standing committees that channel physician expertise to influence policy and programs that support Texas patients and physicians and provide solutions to the challenges they encounter.

I Never Knew TMA: Had Leadership Development Opportunities - 01/07/2025

TMA Leadership Development programming is designed to help build leadership skills, enhance your résumé, boost your career, and help you gain an understanding of how one can make a positive impact in your profession, your association, and your community.

TMA to Represent Texas Physicians’ Coding, Payment Concerns on National Credentialing Organization - 12/17/2024

TMA’s Director of Physician Payment Services has been appointed to the former Academy of Professional Coders’ National Advisory Board, where she will elevate the voices of Texas physicians through collaboration on coding, billing, and compliance issues.

TMA Installs Beaumont Anesthesiologist as President - 12/10/2024

The Texas Medical Association installed Beaumont anesthesiologist G. Ray Callas, MD, as president during TexMed, the association’s annual conference, held in Dallas.

TMA Elects San Antonio Physician President-Elect - 12/10/2024

The Texas Medical Association elected San Antonio internist and hyperbaric medicine specialist Jayesh B. “Jay” Shah, MD, president-elect during TexMed, the association’s annual conference, held in Dallas. Dr. Shah is the first Indian American TMA president-elect.

TMA Elects Houston, North Texas, Central Texas, Panhandle Physicians to Board - 12/10/2024

The Texas Medical Association has elected representatives from Amarillo, North Texas, Houston, Temple, and Waco to serve on its ;Board of Trustees. These physicians will decide and implement TMA policies and deliberate various health care issues that impact the health and lives of Texans.

The Physicians Foundation Seeks Health Care Leaders for New, Free Training Program - 11/20/2024

The one-year, hybrid training program will teach 25 physicians from across the country how to influence health care policy development at both state and federal levels. Participation in the program includes full coverage for tuition, travel, and CME credits.

Patient Care Protected: Scope Creep/GME Funding - 11/18/2024

The Texas Medical Association's top legislative priority this session was to protect independent diagnosing and prescribing as the practice of medicine and to address current workforce shortages in a way that ensures patients have access to the same standard of care, regardless of where they live.

Patient Care Protected: Medicaid Payment Increase - 11/18/2024

One of the Texas Medical Association's top legislative priorities this session was to help physicians grow their Medicaid panels and access to care with healthier payment rates.

Patient Care Protected: Network Adequacy, Surprise Billing - 11/18/2024

Spurred by physician reports of insurers taking advantage of their leverage in contract negotiations, the Texas Medical Association prioritized network adequacy reform this session.

Patient Care Protected: Medical Liability Reforms - 11/18/2024

For the 20th year in a row, the Texas Medical Association successfully defended the state's medical liability reforms, in keeping with its legislative priorities for the most recent session.

Patient Care Protected: Medicaid Coverage for Women and Children - 11/18/2024

The Texas Medical Association achieved a key legislative objective this session with the passage of House Bill 12 by Rep. Toni Rose (D-Dallas), which extends Medicaid postpartum coverage from two months to one year.

RFS Executive Council - 11/04/2024

Resident and Fellow Section Executive Council

Distinguished Service Award Recipients - 10/30/2024

TMA established the Distinguished Service Award in 1962 as a special recognition for meritorious achievement in medical science, advances in public health, and exceptional service to the medical profession and the community.

Listening Tour Connects TMA with Local Medical Communities - 10/30/2024

The practice of medicine in Texas in 2024 looks dramatically different than that of 20 or even 10 years ago, with a changing business landscape, complex administrative burdens, and serious obstacles to growing the physician workforce causing challenges to clinicians across the state.

Schedule-at-a-Glance - 10/23/2024

Scholars must complete all of the following programs to graduate from the program.

Shape TexMed’s Future by Applying to New TMA Committee - 09/10/2024

As TexMed 2024 brought Texas Medical Association events to a new high, the House of Delegates voted to continue the upward trend with the formation of a standing Committee on TexMed Education, which will continue to aid TMA’s mission to provide accurate, relevant, and engaging information for members.

AI Experts Added to Committee on Health Information Technology - 08/26/2024

Recognizing the potential of augmented and artificial intelligence to greatly impact patient care and physician interests, the Texas Medical Association has announced the addition of 10 expert consultants to its Committee on Health Information Technology.

County Medical Societies - 08/20/2024

Links to Texas County Medical Societies

TMA to Start 2024 Listening Tour - 08/14/2024

The TMA Board of Trustees, leadership, and staff are hitting the road in 2024 to learn directly from Texas physicians what is working, what isn’t, and what TMA can do to ensure Texas is the best place to practice medicine.