
New TMA Scholarship Inspires Inaugural North Texas Recipient to Think Globally - 03/12/2025

The North Texas Specialty Physicians Scholarship awards $40,000, disbursed over four years, to chosen medical students who previously or currently reside in Johnson, Parker, and Tarrant counties. Yousuf Din, the 2024 recipient and first to receive the scholarship, seeks to serve his community with the breathing room the award creates.

50-Year Club Scholarship Fund Supports the Next Generation of Texas Medicine - 11/12/2024

Three medical students received this year’s scholarships, administered by a member-driven charitable fund that has awarded a total of $39,000 to 47 future physicians since 2005.

Supporting Diversified Workforce, TMA Recognizes Bayardo Scholars - 10/17/2024

The Diversity in Medicine Scholarship, awarded to 16 medical students, strives to support future physicians who can meet the unique needs of Texas’ varied population. The financial assistance helps grow physician supply for underserved areas of the state.

Krishna Memorial Scholarship Invests in University of Texas’ Future Physicians - 08/06/2024

For two out of three U.S. allopathic medical students, matriculating can come with up to a $300,000 price tag, burdening future physicians with financial woes that can encroach on their education.

Mitigating Medical Student Debt: TMA Assistance Programs Help Next Generation - 06/20/2024

As medical school debt numbers continue to burden graduating medical school students, TMA, TMA Foundation, and TMA Alliance members remain involved in setting up assistance programs to help the next generation of Texas physicians succeed.

TMA Special Funds Foundation Builds New Medical Student Scholarship After $1.1 Million Donation - 06/04/2024

Another batch of medical students will be encouraged to return to their hometowns to practice medicine thanks to a $1.1 million gift the Texas Medical Association’s Special Funds Foundation recently received – its largest individual donation – to establish a new medical student scholarship for Tarrant, Johnson, and Parker County students.

LSC Bestows Scholarships to Four Future Physicians Dedicated to the Medically Underserved - 05/21/2024

The Lone Star Caucus, comprised of smaller, nonmetro county medical societies, awards scholarships annually. Meet this year’s winners, recognized for their outstanding achievements and leadership skills. Read more.

J.T. “Lamar” McNew Award - 05/14/2024

Read about the history and winners of the J.T. “Lamar” McNew Award.

TMA Scholarship Cultivates a Diverse Workforce; Apply by May 31 - 03/25/2024

Are you sharing in the excitement of someone who's just been accepted to medical school?

Scholarship Open for Students Committed to Medically Underserved - 03/11/2024

The Lone Star Caucus Scholarship now is accepting applications from third- and fourth-year medical students attending any Texas medical school. This annual opportunity is open to student members of county medical societies within the Lone Star Caucus, which comprises nonmetro, smaller county medical societies.

Deadline: TMA Scholarship Fosters Diversity in Medicine - 02/27/2024

As Match Day nears, so does the deadline to apply for a Texas Medical Association scholarship helping to ensure the physician workforce more closely mirrors the population it serves.

2023 50-Year Club Scholarship Winners - 01/10/2024

2023 50-Year Club Scholarship Winners

Close to Home: Scholarships Keep Medical Students in their Communities - 01/05/2024

Scholarships keep medical students in their communities.

TMA Awards 15 Scholarships to Minority Medical Students - 10/23/2023

Fifteen minority students entering Texas medical schools this fall each will receive a $10,000 scholarship from the Texas Medical Association (TMA). The students were selected for their academic achievement, commitment to community service, and desire to care for Texas’ increasingly diverse population.

TMA Minority Scholarships Support Incoming Medical Students - 10/23/2023

The Texas Medical Association’s Minority Scholarship Program offers assistance for members of racial minorities that are underrepresented in Texas medical schools and the state’s physician workforce.

TMA Minority Scholarships Help Diversify Texas’ Physician Workforce - 10/23/2023

The Texas Medical Association's Minority Scholarship Program provides $10,000 scholarships for members of racial minorities that are underrepresented in Texas medical schools. Applications are now being accepted for students who will enter medical school in 2021.

Minority Scholarships Help Diversify Texas Physicians - 10/20/2023

The Texas Medical Association created the Minority Scholarship Program in 1998 to help diversify the physician workforce to meet Texans’ health care needs. Since then, it has awarded 136 scholarships totaling $847,500. Students entering medical school in 2019 can apply now.

TMA Gives Scholarships to Minority Medical Students - 10/20/2023

Twelve minority students entering Texas medical schools this fall each will benefit from a $10,000 scholarship from the Texas Medical Association (TMA). TMA awarded the scholarships to the students today in San Antonio at TexMed, TMA’s annual conference. Physicians selected the students for their academic achievement, commitment to community service, and desire to care for Texas’ increasingly diverse population.

Lone Star Caucus Scholarship Winners Committed to Serving the Medically Underserved - 08/07/2023

Lone Star Caucus Scholarship winners, recognized for their outstanding achievements and leadership skills, aim to bridge the healthcare gap by actively engaging with underserved communities and advocating for equitable access to quality care for all Texans.

Community Outreach/Giving Back - 07/19/2023

TMA members are encouraged to participate in various TMA public health and outreach programs.

New Cowles Young Physician Scholarship Launched to Promote TMA Leadership Training - 05/23/2023

The late Houston anesthesiologist Charles Cowles Jr., MD, believed passionately in helping young physicians become leaders. The Harris County Medical Society has created a new scholarship in his name to help those who want to achieve that goal.

More Than 50 Medical Students’ Careers Aided by Harris County Alliance Scholarships - 05/01/2023

Scholarships make a big difference for medical students who struggle to make ends meet, says Lance McCoy, third-year medical student at the University of Houston’s Fertitta Family College of Medicine.

Apply Now: Scholarships for Students Who Want to Serve the Underserved - 02/27/2023

Once Texas medical students become physicians, the Lone Star Caucus hopes to keep them in Texas. That’s the aim of the Lone Star Caucus Medical Student Scholarship.

Growing Representation: TMA's Diversity in Medicine Scholarship Cultivates a Representative Workforce - 12/04/2022

The Texas Medical Association's recently renamed Diversity in Medicine Scholarship program aims to boost underrepresented applicants to Texas medical schools, physicians caring for medically underserved populations, and diversity within the physician workforce.

TMA Foundation Establishes Two New Scholarship Funds - 09/22/2022

The Texas Medical Association Foundation is pleased to announce two new scholarship funds established by Houston pathologist Roberto J. Bayardo, MD, in memory of his wife, Agniela (Annie).