
Did You Receive an Email Requiring Registration to the State’s PMP? - 02/28/2024

TMA can confirm that an email sent Friday afternoon asking physicians to register for a PMP Aware account are indeed legitimate; however, there is no deadline to register.

Cannabidiol Takes a Big Step Toward Respectability - 01/25/2024

In September, the DEA issued an order listing all drugs approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration that contain cannabidiol but no more than 0.1 percent of the chief psychoactive agent in cannabis as Schedule V drugs — those with the least potential for abuse. So far, Epidiolex is the only medication that fits that description.

Medicare Part B Inflation Rebate Takes Effect, Lowering Copays - 06/27/2023

A new federal law requires drug companies to rebate Medicare if they raise certain drug prices higher than the rate of inflation, which has translated into lower copays for some Medicare patients.

Pharmacy Rule Opens Door to Improve Access to Low-Cost Medications - 02/06/2023

Given the high cost of medications, pharmacies should be sharing low-cost options with patients and allowing them to transfer their prescriptions as needed – without imposing additional administrative hassles on physician practices.

Counterfeit Medications Proliferate in Patient Care – and They’re Not Just Illicit Opioids - 01/31/2023

Counterfeit medications are a growing problem that can undermine medical treatment, and all physicians can help prevent their spread by asking patients simple questions.

Nationwide Adderall Shortage Expected to Last Through 2022 - 10/31/2022

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) expects a nationwide shortage of Adderall and Adderall IR to extend through the end of the year, following manufacturing delays by the largest producer of Adderall in the country, Teva Pharmaceuticals LLC.

Are You Ready for Changes to Opioid Prescribing in Texas? - 10/14/2022

Beginning Sept. 1, all prescribers will be required to set up an account with the state’s prescription monitoring program, known as PMP Aware. The Texas State Board of Pharmacy will also begin issuing new official prescription forms that include advanced security features designed to help deter fraud.

Biden Executive Order Likely to Prompt Rulemaking on Noncompetes - 07/19/2021

Directly and indirectly, the Biden administration’s wide-ranging Executive Order on Promoting Competition in the American Economy features myriad implications for health care and physician practices. The executive order, issued earlier this month, takes aim at hospital and insurance market consolidation, noncompete agreements, lack of competition among drug manufacturers, and exorbitant costs of prescription drugs and hearing aids.

PMP Checks Won’t Be Necessary for In-Facility Medications, TMB Says - 02/21/2020

Thanks to Texas Medical Association advocacy, the Texas Medical Boardhas refocused its guidance on when physicians will be required to check the Texas Prescription Monitoring Program (PMP) before prescribing certain medications starting March 1.

$18 Million Grants to Help Texas Fight Opioid Abuse - 08/12/2019

More than 70 Texas health institutions have received almost $18 million in federal funds to combat the ongoing nationwide opioid epidemic.

Google Your Way To Disposing Of Unused Drugs? - 03/21/2019

If you’re looking for a way to help your patients put a dent in the nation’s opioid epidemic, look no further than Google Maps.  Google Maps recently added a search feature that will make it easier for your patients to dispose of unwanted and unused medications.  

Pharmacy Board Nixes Proposal That Could’ve Broadened Pharmacists’ Scope - 03/14/2019

Medicine’s objections were strong, and the state’s draft rules allowing pharmacists to perform medication therapy management services aren’t going to make it after all.

Is the PMP Working for You? - 01/16/2019

The Texas Medical Association, in collaboration with the Center for Health Communication at The University of Texas at Austin, invites you to share your expertise on using the Prescription Monitoring Program to help care for your patients.

Update: Glitches With State's Schedule II Prescription Forms Fixed - 09/21/2018

Some physicians have not been able to order new prescription forms for certain controlled substances because of problems with the state’s IT system, and the website.

Following National Trend, Texas’ Opioid Prescriptions Drop - 05/04/2018

In a sign that efforts to curb prescription-drug abuse are taking hold, the number of opioid prescriptions written in Texas and nationwide has fallen significantly since 2013, a study released last month shows.

Getting Patients to Take Their Meds - 04/19/2018

Patients need to take the medicines you prescribe so they can get well or feel better. New payment models reward you when they do. Here are some tips for helping patients stay with their medication regimen.

Houston Man Convicted in $50 Million Drug Scheme - 03/07/2018

A former president of a Houston-based pharmaceutical company has been convicted on charges stemming from a drug diversion scheme.

FDA Says No to Prescription Opioid Cough Meds for Children - 01/17/2018

FDA officials announced recently that prescription cough and cold medications that contain codeine or hydrocodone should not be given to patients younger than 18 years because the medicines’ risks outweigh their benefits in children.

Dispensing Drugs From a Medical Practice - 08/31/2017

Can a physician dispense prescription drugs (not samples) that the patient would self-administer at home? Can a physician purchase medications from a pharmacy or a drug company and sell them to his or her patients?

When Drug Enforcement Agents Come Knocking - 05/02/2017

U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration agents turn up in your office wanting to ask you questions. They announce they have a right to inspect your records without warning. ...

Drug Wastage Modifier Now Required - 01/13/2017

Coding change reminder: For Medicare claims, use modifier JW when you open a single-use package or vial of a drug but don’t administer the entire dose or quantity and discard what’s left. See examples and FAQs.

Part D Prescriber Enrollment Now Due in 2019 - 11/15/2016

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services has extended the enrollment deadline for Medicare Part D prescribers. You now have until Jan. 1, 2019, to enroll in Medicare for your written prescriptions to be covered under Part D.

Keep Prescription Data Access Seamless - 08/22/2016

Don’t interrupt your access to the Texas Prescription Program (TPP). You may need to act today.

DPS Answers Controlled Substance Certificate Renewal Questions - 05/06/2014

As physicians tell the Texas Medical Association about their continued problems getting the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) to process their applications for renewal of their controlled substance certificates, TMA continues to press state officials for an explanation. More importantly, TMA continues to press DPS officials to let physicians know what they have to do to get their renewed certificates and when they can expect to receive them.

Board Pulls Plan for Pharmacists to Check Diagnoses - 02/13/2014

The Texas State Board of Pharmacy (TSBP) quickly killed a proposal that would have required pharmacists to contact the prescribing physician for each new patient with a prescription for a controlled substance. The decision came at a crowded TSBP meeting Feb. 11, 2014. "Another bureaucratic obstacle to medical practice has been stopped," said TMA General Counsel Donald "Rocky" Wilcox.