Drive Thru, Prevent Flu/Lamar Delta County Medical Society. The Paris-Lamar County Health District is partnering with the Lamar-Delta County Medical Society and other community groups to provide an efficient method for residents to receive the influenza vaccine. The “drive-thru” shot clinic will reach 400 citizens, age 18 or older. The easy-access option will be a particular asset to both the elderly and to a vast majority of the rural community who find it difficult to visit a regular, walk-in clinic.
Project Access Tarrant County/Tarrant County Medical Society. Project Access Tarrant County (PATC) is a community collaboration that provides compassionate specialty care for Tarrant County’s uninsured. A network of volunteer physicians (TMA members), partnering hospitals, donating ancillary services, charitable community clinics, and other providers serve the target population of the uninsured working poor. To date, PATC has served more than 1,000 patients and provided more than $9.5 million worth of donated care that this population would otherwise be unable to access.
Lubbock Anti-Sex Trafficking Project/Lubbock-Crosby-Garza County Medical Society. This project raises awareness about the problem of human sex trafficking of minors in Texas. Lubbock County Medical Society is collaborating with several local organizations to facilitate a unified call to action to make Lubbock and West Texas a safe haven for children and a user-unfriendly town for buyers and sellers of children for sex trafficking.
Immunization Collaboration of Tarrant County/Tarrant County Medical Society Alliance Foundation. This program will 1. Low cost vaccine events help eligible children and adults receive required vaccines for kindergarten, 7th grade and college school registrations. Over 7000 eligible children and adults are served. 2. Vaccine education for parents, community, health care workers and providers is on-going and growing through website and social media channels so that ICTC becomes a go-to source for information about the importance and safety of immunizations.
Power for Parkinson’s/Travis County Medical Society. Power for Parkinson's provides free Parkinson’s group fitness and dance classes, singing groups and social activities for people with Parkinson's and their care partners in Austin and surrounding communities. The program mission is to engage people with Parkinson’s in regular exercise to slow or even reverse the symptoms of Parkinson's, improve overall sense of well-being, and to provide opportunities for socialization to help prevent depression and isolation that often accompanies the disease.
TMA MEDICAL STUDENT CHAPTERS – Medical Student Community Leadership Grants
Alliance Refugee Wellness Fair/Baylor College of Medicine. This annual event addresses healthcare disparities in the underserved refugee population that has resettled in Harris County by providing direct medical and preventative health services, education about health and wellbeing, and resources for greater access to medical care. In partnership with several non-profit refugee resettlement agencies in the area, this initiative will provide refugees with culturally competent resources to navigate the Harris Health System.
Aggie Health Project: Hepatitis C/Texas A&M Health Science Center College of Medicine. In conjunction with Martha’s Clinic, Texas A&M’s student-run free clinic, this initiative aims to extend current health maintenance screenings to include Hepatitis C and, when applicable, appropriate referral to community partners for the homeless and indigent of Temple, Texas and Bell County. The addition of this screening addresses a disparity in available preventative services, creating opportunities for care and cure.
HOPE Health Fair /University of Texas Medical Branch. This collaborative event will provide vaccines, health screenings, and a meal to homeless and uninsured individuals living in Galveston, Texas. The UTMB TMA, Family Medicine Interest Group and Gold Humanism Honor Society will work together with St. Vincent’s Student Run Clinic to host the second annual HOPE (Helping Others Through Partnered Empowerment) Health Fair. Last year, over 200 vaccines were provided to this community, and this year we hope to serve at least 250 individuals through this campaign.
Frontera de Salud/McGovern Medical School TMS Medical Student Section. Frontera de Salud is a student-based community health project that addresses health disparities and promotes healthy living on the Texas-Mexico border. The program provides an opportunity for medical and public health students to practice skills and apply knowledge toward meeting the health needs of the community. The program partners with the UTHealth School of Public Health and Cameron County Health Department to provide quarterly health screenings, home visits and community assessments.