Pres Report 3-A-06
Subject: Nominations for Board of Governors, Texas Medical Liability Trust
Presented by: Robert T. Gunby Jr., MD, President
Board of Governors' nominees . The trust instrument that controls the operations of the Texas Medical Liability Trust (TMLT) requires that nominations for the Board of Governors be made by the board and submitted to the Texas Medical Association House of Delegates by the TMA president. When the house approves the nominations, they will be placed before TMLT policyholders for election.
Nominations by the Board of Governors to fill three three-year terms beginning in 2007 are:
A. Compton Broders III, MD, Dallas, emergency medicine, for election;
Arthur F. Evans, MD, Lindale, neurological surgery, for election;
Jimmy L. Strong, MD, Abilene, pediatrics, for reelection.
Policyholder nominees . TMLT bylaws provide that "nominations for board positions made by voting participants shall be reported for information only to the TMA House of Delegates."
TMLT elections are held each fall, with new terms beginning in January of the following year. TMLT solicits nominations from its policyholders in late summer, and in the past these nominations have been reported to the House of Delegates at the time of the interim session. Since the House of Delegates will not hold an interim session this year, 2006 policyholder nominations will be reported to members of the house by letter.
Recommendation : Approval of Dr. Broders, Dr. Evans, and Dr. Strong, nominees of the TMLT Board of Governors, to be placed before TMLT policyholders for election.
TMA HOD Order of Business