Young Physician Section Activities


YPS Report 1-A-06
Subject: Young Physician Section Activities
Presented by: Leah H. Jacobson, MD, Chair

AMA-YPS Assembly, A-05
Five TMA Young Physician Section members attended the annual meeting of the AMA-YPS in June 2005 in Chicago. Texas young physicians were very influential during debate before the assembly.

TMA-YPS Summit
TMA-YPS members met in conjunction with the TMA Summit. Five delegates and two alternate delegates to the TMA House of Delegates were elected. In addition, members discussed several issues including county level participation of young physicians and how to increase participation in the section. Upon further research, it was confirmed that young physicians lack adequate time to participate in TMA and county activities. Some counties have found success with family orientated activities. However, local participation continues to be an area of focus.

AMA-YPS Assembly, I-05
Four TMA Young Physician Section members attended the interim meeting of the AMA-YPS in November 2005 in Dallas. Texas physicians strongly supported a resolution to help with loan repayment options. However, they opposed a resolution by the Medical Student Section to allow medical students to individually hold and negotiate multiple residency offers at one time (and eliminate the match).

TMA Winter Conference
TMA-YPS members reviewed the status of the YPS Rural Scholarship Program and received completed scholarship applications from high school students interested in pursuing an education in the field of medicine. The recipient of the scholarship was to be selected in March and honored during the TexMed 2006 House of Delegates meeting in May. The committee also discussed the YPS schedule at TexMed 2006. The young physicians again will host the second annual TexMed Orientation Thursday morning as well as participate in a YPS focus group. The YPS also is presenting a practice management track at TexMed 2006 on Thursday, May 4. All delegate and alternate delegate positions were filled at the 2006 Winter Conference business meeting. The section looks forward to a strong showing at the TexMed 2006 meeting.


TMA House of Delegates: TexMed 2006

Last Updated On

June 24, 2010

Originally Published On

March 23, 2010

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