Restructure of Council on Annual Session


CCB Report 4-A-06
Subject: Restructure of Council on Annual Session
Presented by: Ira Bell III, MD, Chair
Referred to: Reference Committee on Financial and Organizational Affairs

The Council on Annual Session is proposing (see CAS Rep. 1 in this handbook) that its structure be changed. With restructure, the Council on Annual Session will be replaced with a three-prong TexMed planning team. The team will be guided by a three-member executive team made up of a chair, a chair-elect, and the immediate past chair. The incoming TMA president would appoint the chair each year. At its Feb. 3, 2006, meeting, the Board of Trustees approved the recommendation for restructure.

Recommendation 1 : Amend Chapter 9, Annual Session, as follows:

9.10  Time and place

The A a ssociation shall hold an annual session in the spring of each year at such time and place as may be established by the House of Delegates or the Board of Trustees. The Board of Trustees shall have the authority to change the annual meeting time and place to meet unforeseen emergencies.

9.20 Session content

The session may consist of meetings of the House of Delegates, scientific programs, and special programs. The Council on Annual Session shall develop the general and scientific programs.

9.30 Program

The order of exercises and meetings as published in the official program shall be followed from day to day until completed unless otherwise directed by the Council on Annual Session .

The House of Delegates shall meet at such time and place as may be decided upon by its own act.

9.40 Duty of related organizations

Related organizations shall be encouraged to meet at times that do not conflict with the scheduled scientific programs of the association ; potential conflicts should be referred to the Council on Annual Session for resolution .

9.50 Duty of host societies

Host societies shall not plan or furnish any entertainment to association members and guests that could in any way interfere or conflict with the official program without prior approval by the Council on Annual Session .

9.60 Member attendance

Members attending annual session shall verify their membership at the time of registration. If association records do not reflect current membership status, the individual may attend by paying the stated nonmember registration fee.

9.70  Nonmember attendance

9.71 Guests . Any physician or scientist ineligible for membership in the association may become a guest during any annual session by invitation of the president, and shall be accorded the privilege of participating in all the scientific work and social activities for that session.

For purposes of general education, persons who are not physicians may be invited as guests of the association to appear on the TMA program. The Council on Annual Session shall select such persons.

9.72            Visitors. Members of other state medical associations, the families of members , or physicians entitled to register in any capacity at the annual session of this Association, or other reputable citizens who may be invited to attend any of the meetings of the Association, may be registered as "visitors," and as such, shall be privileged to participate in the several social and general activities of the session.

9.72  Visitors . Members of other state medical associations, physicians entitled to register in any capacity at the TMA annual session, and other individuals who are invited to attend any association meetings may be registered as visitors, and as such, shall be privileged to participate in the social and general activities of the session. Family members of these individuals also may participate.

9.73  Nonmember participants . The Council on Annual Session may invite any person of scientific attainment to the meeting. Any person of scientific attainment may be invited to the meeting.

Recommendation 2 : Amend Chapter 10, Councils, by deleting Section 10.801, and renumbering the remaining sections.

10.801            Council on Annual Session. The council shall plan, develop, administer and evaluate programs presented at the annual session.



TMA House of Delegates: TexMed 2006

Last Updated On

June 24, 2010

Originally Published On

March 23, 2010