Resolution 408: Quality of Care, Continuity of Care, and Public Health Safety in Retail Health Clinics Located in Grocery Stores and Pharmacies


Resolution 408 (A-06)
Subject: Quality of Care, Continuity of Care, and Public Health Safety in Retail Health Clinics Located in Grocery Stores and Pharmacies
Introduced by: Bexar County Medical Society
Referred to: Reference Committee on Socioeconomics

Whereas, Some retail pharmacies and grocery stores have announced plans to open retail health clinics inside or adjacent to their facilities, primarily staffed by nonphysician practitioners; and

Whereas, Organized medicine has concerns about the quality of services, continuity of care, and quality of direct physician oversight these entities will provide; and

Whereas, Inviting patients with potential communicable diseases into a public place where food is sold raises additional public health and safety concerns; therefore be it

RESOLVED, That the Texas Medical Association investigate the growing phenomenon of retail health clinics and educate members about patient access, ethical issues, third-party payer reimbursement, legislative impact, midlevel provider relationships and statutes, continuity and quality of care, public health issues, and other relevant matters; and be it further

RESOLVED, That TMA identify the essential elements of a retail health clinic model, particularly those associated with grocery stores, retail pharmacies, or other retail stores, that will assure quality, continuity of care with a medical home, and public safety; and be it further

RESOLVED,That TMA work with the Texas Medical Board (TMB) to ensure TMB devotes appropriate resources to enforcing the Medical Practice Act as it applies to physicians responsible for oversight of nonphysician practitioners.


TMA House of Delegates: TexMed 2006

Last Updated On

July 06, 2010

Originally Published On

March 23, 2010