Resolution 406: Quality Criteria and Pay-for-Performance Measures


Resolution 406 (A-06)
Subject: Quality Criteria and Pay-for-Performance Measures
Introduced by: Dallas County Medical Society
Referred to: Reference Committee on Socioeconomics

Whereas, Most insurance carriers and Medicare will offer their physicians tiered networks or pay-for-performance criteria; and

Whereas, Tiered networks and pay-for-performance standards not only can enhance quality of care for patients, but also have the potential for economic credentialing of physicians; and

Whereas, Efficiencies can be gained from developing standard measurements of quality patient care accepted by all health plans including Medicare, the American Medical Association, and specialty societies; therefore be it

RESOLVED, That the Texas Delegation to the American Medical Association bring before the AMA a resolution that AMA take the lead in bringing specialty societies and health plans to the table so they can develop common quality measures - based on clinical guidelines - that could be standardized across all plans; and be it further

RESOLVED, That the Texas Medical Association and the AMA strongly advocate transparency in all tiered networks and pay-for-performance policies; and be it further

RESOLVED, That TMA and AMA use their in-house expertise on quality measures to educate physicians on how to implement these quality measures in their practice and better position themselves for pay-for-performance measures; and be it further

RESOLVED, That TMA develop resources for evaluating pay-for-performance plans and make those resourses available to its member physicians.


TMA House of Delegates: TexMed 2006

Last Updated On

July 06, 2010

Originally Published On

March 23, 2010