Value-Based Care: A Glossary of Terms Coming Soon!
This glossary explores some of the more common terms and metrics that physician leaders routinely encounter when participating in a value-based care contract.
Medicare Shared Savings Program ACOs by Texas County 
This tool displays accountable care organizations (ACOs) participating in the Medicare Shared Savings Program for performance year 2021. View ACOs by total attribution or by Texas county.
Building Blocks for Success: Introduction (Physicians Advocacy Institute)
This document provides these considerations for determining whether an alternative payment model (APM) is the appropriate pathway for you and/or your practice: (1) understanding how performance is measured under different APMs, (2) evaluating your current practice operations and ability to access and analyze data, (3) understanding your patient population, (4) what it means to take on financial risk in APMs, and (5) decoding risk adjustment.
Building Blocks for Success: Practice Assessment (Physicians Advocacy Institute)
This resource provides an overview of the interactions between core care management techniques, data insights, and additional details on what it means to engage in risk-based APMs. It dives deeper into value-based arrangements and highlights the types of variables and rules to be attuned to for specific APMs, which can be especially helpful for physicians who are entering into APMs for the first time.
Practice Structuring for APM Participation (Physicians Advocacy Institute)
Beyond the complexities of choosing which model to participate in, this resource provides guidance on how physicians and/or practices can operate under multiple APMs, the numerous Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services/Center for Medicare & Medicaid Services Innovation Center rules regarding model overlaps, and the various options for tax identification number structuring in APMs to participate in multiple models.
Guide to Value-Based Contracting (Physicians Advocacy Institute)
This document covers the three types of entities physicians likely will contract with: health plans, ACOs, and direct contracting with employers. It provides information on what you and your practice should be aware of when contracting with these entities and how to use this information to help your practice during negotiation.
Evaluating Patient Risk and Physician Performance in APMs (Physicians Advocacy Institute)
This document is intended to help physicians understand how to critically evaluate risk in their APM patient panel. The concept of “risk” is more than recognizing the potential for and magnitude of financial losses; it is a broader understanding of the underlying variables that positively or negatively impact performance in APMs that can change from year to year.
Last Updated On
October 25, 2023
Originally Published On
September 22, 2023