The Resident and Fellow Section (RFS) is an organized membership section of TMA that helps focus attention on issues unique to Texas’ resident physicians and provides a forum for residents and fellows to communicate with each other and the membership at large. In addition, as an RFS member, you can help create TMA policy and help shape the environment in which you will one day practice medicine. Ultimately, it is you who decides how active you want to be and where your interests lie. Participation in the RFS is a complimentary benefit of your TMA membership.
RFS Executive Council
The TMA Resident and Fellow Section (RFS) Executive Council (EC)(PDF) is elected annually by the TMA-RFS to direct the programs and activities of the Section at the state level.
Policy and Procedures Manual
Serve on TMA Council or Committee
Applications are open for 2010-2011 RFS representative and alternate representative positions to the TMA boards, councils, and committees. To apply, complete the online application form and submit a current CV to your Section Coordinator.
All positions are one year terms and you are expected to attend all three meetings during your service. Most groups meet in conjunction with TMA conferences (Fall Conference - Sept/Oct, Winter Conference – Jan/Feb, and TexMed- Apr/May). A brief description of each board, council and committee is available here.
2010 RFS Board Council and Committee Representatives (PDF)
AMA Resident and Fellow Section (AMA-RFS)
The AMA-RFS has representation and direct involvement in all levels of AMA governance and policy formation. TMA supports and encourages Texas resident participation at the national level.
2010 AMA Interim Meeting
The 2010 AMA-RFS Interim Meeting will be held on November 4-6 at the Manchester Grand Hyatt in San Diego, California. Registration is open.
Stay Connected
Join the Resident and Fellow Section Facebook page to stay informed about issues affecting medicine today. It is a great way to connect with colleagues and promote advocacy efforts across the state. Click here to become a "Fan."
Staff Contact
Contact your RFS Coordinator at rfsinfo[at]texmed[dot]org for information on the Resident Fellow Section, all your questions, and assistance in getting involved.