Delegation of Duties - 02/18/2025

Use these resources to learn more about delegation of duties. 

PAs and APRNs: How Do These Midlevels Differ? - 08/30/2023

Physicians interested in hiring a midlevel practitioner for their practice sometimes wonder whether they should hire a physician assistant or an advanced practice registered nurse. Here’s the basic difference between the two.

Protocols and Prescriptive Authority Agreements - 06/29/2022

In managing physician assistants and advanced practice registered nurses, what is the difference between a prescriptive authority agreement and a protocol? Do I need to have both?

May Nonphysician Practitioners Order DME? - 10/28/2021

Under what conditions may my physician assistant order durable medical equipment (DME)?

Employing Nonphysician Practitioners: Online Resources - 10/27/2021

The Texas Medical Association has a number of tools to help physicians manage nonphysician practitioners properly.

New Patient Visit Not “Incident-to” - 08/17/2021

If a new Medicare patient comes into the office and sees the physician assistant (PA) only, can we bill Medicare for the PA’s services as “incident to” the physician?

Should You Bill This Visit as “Incident to”? - 03/04/2021

A physician hires a nonphysician practitioner and establishes a standing delegation order for a specific course of treatment. … Read the rest of the scenario. Can you answer the billing question correctly?

Understanding “Incident to” Billing - 11/20/2020

Can my practice provide anticoagulation monitoring for a Medicare patient in our office as “incident to” a physician’s services? On the other hand, if we refer the patient to an anticoagulation monitoring clinic, can we still bill this service as “incident to”?

Most Valuable Team: Managing Nonphysician Staff Efficiently Can Boost Patient Care and Bottom Line - 08/02/2019

Because state laws and insurer billing requirements governing physician delegation and supervision can be tricky to navigate, practices must stay up to date to avoid potential penalties.

Medicare Billing Guidelines for NPs, CNS, and PAs - 03/04/2019

Billing Guidelines for Nurse Practitioners (NP),Clinical Nurse Specialists(CNS),and Physician Assistants (PA)

“Incident to” and the Initial Medicare Visit - 12/20/2016

Novitas Solutions will deny or downcode claims for initial office visits billed as “incident to” when a nonphysician practitioner performs the initial history and physical.