Stories with related Professional Interests

Don’t Overlook Credit Card Processing Fees - 02/14/2025

In today’s world of coinsurance and high-deductible health plans, more of a practice’s revenue comes from the patient, and taking credit cards has become a must. But are you paying too much for credit card processing services?

Putting the AI in Paid: Payer Use of Artificial Intelligence Sparks Physician Concerns - 12/20/2024

Physicians - worried about payers' increasing use of artificial intelligence to process prior authorization requests, enable value-based care models, and systematically deny coverage - are seeking transparency on behalf of their patients and practices.

Marketing Toolkit - 11/07/2024

Two important parts of many physicians’ business are marketing and advertising to attract new patients to the practice. This toolkit may be of assistance to Texas physicians in preparing a marketing vision and plan for their practice.

Practice Operations Toolkit - 11/05/2024

The process of evaluating the operational efficiency of a medical practice can be simultaneously complex, time-consuming, and eye-opening. This toolkit may be of assistance to you in assessing your medical practice operations.

Revenue Cycle Assessment Toolkit - 11/05/2024

This toolkit may help you assess the health and management of your revenue cycle, including front desk and business office operations, supervisory oversight, information technology, and processes related to data entry, reporting, and benchmarking.

Financial Analysis Toolkit - 11/05/2024

The Texas Medical Association developed this toolkit with information pertaining to key performance indicators, benchmarking your practice, and your financial dashboard. This toolkit may assist you in assessing the financial viability of your practice.

Business Plan Toolkit - 11/05/2024

The Texas Medical Association developed this toolkit to assist Texas physicians in creating a business plan. Business plan documents require information specific to your practice model and vision, such as market, staffing, equipment, service lines, and space.

Capital Gains: Attracting Investors Without Losing Independence - 09/19/2024

Can physicians line up venture capital without letting go of their independence? It’s not so easy.

Policies, Procedures and Forms for Telemedicine Services - 09/17/2024

Use these policies, procedures and forms for telemedicine services in your practice.

Speaking Their Language: TMA Payment Experts Fight for Physicians’ Best Interests - 05/17/2024

Texas Medical Association experts communicate with payers on behalf of physicians’ best interests.

Seeking Balance: TMA Opposes Feds' Implementation of the No Surprises Act - 04/09/2024

The Texas Medical Association supported the patient protections in the federal No Surprises Act but also knew from the beginning that the law's payment arbitration provisions were flawed and could give insurers an advantage.

The Knowledge Center Turns 20: Answering Physicians' Questions and Stewarding Medical History - 04/09/2024

The Texas Medical Association Knowledge Center helps physicians navigate daily challenges, and stewards an archive of Texas medical history.

Practice Operations Services - 01/22/2024

With the many challenges that face today's medical practices, business operations remain at the core of a practice's ability to be successful and profitable. Work with a TMA practice management consultant to identify and assess key or problematic areas of your practice.

Human Resources Services - 01/22/2024

While having sound and consistent hiring practices will help your practice attract candidates, keeping them takes a lot more effort. A TMA practice management consultant can assist with human resource challenges.

Financial Management Services - 01/22/2024

Having sound financial policies and processes can help your practice attain a steady cash flow, maintain healthy collection ratios, increase staff efficiencies, and boost your overall bottom line.

10 More Ways to Save Money in Your Practice - 08/30/2023

Past editions of TMA Practice E-Tips have suggested ways practices can save money and time in daily activities. Here are more tips … for TMA members only. These programs and services are free for TMA members, and can save practices thousands of dollars.

PAs and APRNs: How Do These Midlevels Differ? - 08/30/2023

Physicians interested in hiring a midlevel practitioner for their practice sometimes wonder whether they should hire a physician assistant or an advanced practice registered nurse. Here’s the basic difference between the two.

Are You Tweeting Yet? - 08/25/2023

Want to get started using — or become more active on — social media on a professional level? Interestingly, the 2015 Texas Legislature provides a painless opportunity for you to wet your feet in the Twittersphere, with how-to help from TMA.

Who Will Run Your Practice If You Can’t? - 08/23/2023

You might have given thought to what would happen to your solo practice and your family in the event of your death, but what if you have a serious accident or illness and are unable to work for, say, several months?

Report: Most Private Payers Have Stopped COVID Cost-Sharing Waivers - 08/21/2023

Private health insurance plans have largely stopped waiving patient cost-sharing for COVID-19 treatment, according to a recent report by the Peterson Center on Healthcare and Kaiser Family Foundation. The data represent an overwhelming shift from payer cost-sharing policies during 2020 as indicated by previous research.

Payers Axe Consultation Codes - 07/25/2023

Both Cigna and UnitedHealthcare (UHC) have announced that starting in October, they will no longer pay for CPT consultation codes 99241-99245 – office consultations – and 99251-99255 – inpatient consultations. UHC’s policy change becomes effective Oct. 1, as outlined in its March bulletin. Cigna’s July newsletter says Cigna’s policy takes effect Oct. 19.

Help Patients Make Wise Choices About Treatment Options - 07/20/2023

Tools are emerging to help physicians overcome the time constraints that can preempt discussions with patients.

E&M Coding — Are You Under, Over, or on Target? - 07/20/2023

E&M Coding — Are You Under,Over,or on Target?

COVID-19: Telemedicine - 07/20/2023

View COVID-19 resources related to Telemedicine.

Judgment Calls: Court Victory Highlights Importance of Corporate Practice of Medicine Laws - 06/07/2023

Hospital Internists of Texas was pitted against a multibillion-dollar company in a corporate practice of medicine lawsuit. At the trial court level, a Travis County district court jury awarded the Austin medical practice more than $10.2 million.