Social Media

Going Viral: Dr. Glaucomflecken’s Medical Comedy Spreads Physician Advocacy - 02/27/2025

Dr. Glaucomflecken’s medical comedy videos spread physician expertise and advocacy.

TMA Social Media Conduct Policy - 12/13/2024

TMA asks that you respectfully follow the guidelines set forth in our Social Media Conduct Policy.

Are You Tweeting Yet? - 08/25/2023

Want to get started using — or become more active on — social media on a professional level? Interestingly, the 2015 Texas Legislature provides a painless opportunity for you to wet your feet in the Twittersphere, with how-to help from TMA.

Q&A: Physician Podcaster Jeffrey Jarvis, MD - 01/02/2020

A love of teaching is what propelled Jeffrey Jarvis, MD, into his latest undertaking: hosting a nationally distributed podcast.

Don’t Let it Happen to You: Practice Fined Over Social Media - 12/09/2019

As more people go online to research products and services, online reputation management has become increasingly relevant for physicians.Because of the HIPAA Privacy Rule, physicians cannot respond to online reviews in any way that reveals PHI. Even if a patient discloses their own personal information in a review, physicians cannot respond with the same level of disclosure.

Protect Your Practice’s Social Media Accounts - 05/30/2019

Social media is a terrific way to reach out and stay in contact with your patients. However, the risks created by social media cannot be ignored. Controlling access to your social media accounts is just the first step in ensuring their security.

What Makes a Good Practice Website? - 04/17/2017

TMA has dozens of resources available to help you answer this question. These include TMA-endorsed vendor Officite, which provides practice websites and online marketing services to TMA physician members at exclusively discounted rates. TMA members can save up to 37 percent on these services.

Guide to Responding to Yelp Negativity - 01/27/2017

It doesn’t matter if your practice is the perfect example of professionalism; at some point you will receive a negative review. Read this guide before hastily responding to a negative review.