Accountable Care

  • What is an Accountable Care Organization (ACO)?

    The Affordable Care Act established Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs) as voluntary groups of physicians, hospitals, and other health care professionals who accept responsibility for the overall quality, cost, and care of a defined group of Medicare beneficiaries. When Medicare saves money on services because a patient population is healthy, it splits the savings with participating ACOs. And Medicare is not the only payer with a shared savings program; most private payers now offer value-based contracts.

    The catch is proving you kept patients healthy and saved the payer money, which can be a challenge. TMA answers frequently asked questions and provides current information on ACOs and steps you can take to get involved.

     What Are Current ACO Requirements?  

  • Value-Based Care: Why Should I Care?

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    What exactly is value-based care and shared savings?
    The basic concept is simple: if a physician network/ACO can successfully manage the health of its overall patient population, achieve better clinical outcomes, and reduce total health care spending, patients fare better and physicians share in the cost savings.

    More on Value-Based Care  

    TMA is helping to strengthen your practice by offering advice and creating a climate of medical success across the state. 

  • What could a TMA membership mean for you, your practice, and your patients?

  • ACO Regulations, Payment, and Compliance