Firsthand From TMA Members
"I was surprised to learn just how much value TMA offers me. Even the services I take for granted are worth a lot more than I realized."
—N. Keith Robinson, Jr., MD, Internal Medicine, Abilene
"When I went into practice by myself, I realized I'm not just a physician, I'm not just a healer, I have a responsibility to my patients and to my community. I also have a responsibility to my profession and my specialty. That's why I joined TMA."
—Brian M. Bruel, MD, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Houston

"Organized medicine has the power to improve the health of all Texans if we choose to participate. The power of "we" far exceeds the influence of "me". When we work together, everyone benefits, especially our patients.
—Lyle S. Thorstenson, MD, Ophthalmologist, Nacogdoches
"The TMA Leadership College offers a unique opportunity to learn how to effectively advocate, not only for health care issues locally and within the structure of the Texas Medical Association, but also for those specific to my specialty. This is an invaluable opportunity for any physician, and is especially meaningful to me as I continue to search out opportunities to both lead and serve."
—Kimberly Avila Edwards, MD, Pediatrician, Kyle
"TMA helps you get involved, stay involved and get others involved."
—Michelle L. Markley, MD, Family Medicine, Austin
"By participating in First Tuesdays... I was able to advocate... and see organized medicine in action and how it directly influences my patients.
—Carla Davis, MD, Allergy, Houston
“They [TMA Practice Consulting staff] are so knowledgeable. You can count on them when you have an issue, question, or problem with your practice. They always have an answer or suggestion or are able to refer you to someone who will be able to help. It is very reassuring knowing I can call TMA."
—Song Min Hong, MD, Pulmonary Critical Care Medicine, Seguin

"TMA Leadership College has been one of my most exciting experiences: to interact with so many energetic, talented, and thoughtful individuals who are really interested in not only promoting the profession of medicine, but also promoting the overall care of their patients."
—Gregory Johnson, MD, Hospitalist, Pearland
"TMA is an organization with an amazing amount of excellence in staff and services and participation is truly infectious."
—Susan M. Pike, MD, Plastic Surgery, Round Rock
"Our practice consultant sat down with all 10 partners to get a good idea of what qualities we wanted in a practice administrator and how our practice was set up. Now, everyone agrees that hiring TMA Practice Consulting was worth every penny."
—Francisco R. Rodriguez, MD, Urologist, El Paso
“When I had problems getting my Board articles for review from the American College of ObGyn, I turned to TMA and the El Paso CMS and they provided my practice with access to the TMA Knowledge Center. Librarian Barbara Tims implemented a program to send articles for the board study session by e-mail with a minimal cost. That saved us OB/GYNs a great amount of time and effort.”
—Angel M. Rios, MD, FACOG, OB/GYN, El Paso
"In the next few years, we will see more change than ever in the practice of medicine. The only way we can advocate effectively for ourselves and our patients is to stand together. TMA and the Young Physician Section help train future leaders and bring the critical issues to light."
—Dawn C. Buckingham, MD, Ophthalmology, Austin
"I've gone from asking what can I get out of TMA to what can I offer."
—Bradford Holland, MD, Otolaryngologist, Waco