Made up of nine at-large members, six TMA officers who serve ex officio, and three section-designated members: one young physician, one resident/fellow, and one medical student.
The TMA Board of Trustees manages business and financial affairs of the association, implements policies of the House of Delegates, establishes interim policy of the association between meetings of the house, and monitors program activities of association councils and committees.
At-Large Members
Joseph S. Valenti, MD, Chair (Denton)
Cynthia A. Jumper, MD, Vice Chair (Lubbock)
Tony R. Aventa, MD, (Austin)
John T. Carlo, MD, (Dallas)
Kimberly E. Monday, MD, (Houston)
Bradford S. Patt, MD, (Houston)
Lee Ann Pearse, MD, (Dallas)
Dexter G. Turnquest, MD, (Houston)
Rodney B. Young, MD (Amarillo)
Ex-Officio Members
G. Ray Callas, MD, President (Beaumont)
Jayesh B. Shah, MD, President Elect (San Antonio)
Rick W. Snyder, II, MD, Immediate Past President (Dallas)
Gregory M. Fuller, MD, TMA Secretary/Treasurer (Keller)
Bradford W. Holland, MD, Speaker of the House (Waco)
John G. Flores, MD, Vice Speaker of the House (Little Elm)
Section Designated Members
Andrew “Jimmy” Widmer, MD, Young Physician Section (Temple)
Pruthali Kulkarni, DO, Resident & Fellow Section (Temple)
Parminder Deo, Medical Student Section (Fort Worth)
Note: Term of office for at-large members is three years. Term of office for president, president-elect, immediate past president, speaker, vice speaker, resident/fellow, and medical student is one year; term of office for young physician is two years; term of office for TMA secretary/treasurer is three years.